The official website of the
West Oxfordshire
of the
Green Party
of England and Wales
Serving members, supporters and citizens in the towns and villages around West Oxfordshire, including the following wards:
NOTE: Wards listed above in larger font have Green Candidates in 2024 local elections
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Since our Green Councillors, Andrew Prosser and Rosie Pearson, and more recently Sandra Simpson became part of the Alliance on WODC, they have brought the Green voice into the room at every opportunity, digging down to find the long-term causes of sewage pollution and flooding, insisting on biodiversity reports being given their due weight in planning, looking for ways to tackle the climate crisis while helping householders to lower their bills.
Here are some highlights:
Green Councillors Working Hard for You
and a Greener Future
Green Councillors make all the difference to your local decison making. We care about the places we live in and want to address the major issues of our time locally, regionally and nationally.
Issues like planning, housing, transport, pollution, flooding, community and sport facilities, environment and biodiversity are all areas where your local councillors are making decisons every week. Having Green Councillors on your Council makes sure that local issues matter.
The West Oxfordshire Green Party is proud to announce that thanks to winning our third seat on West Oxfordshire District Council we have strengthened our position on the Alliance with the Lib Dems and Labour that took over the leadership of the Council in 2022.
A big thank you goes to Sandra Simpson, Rosie Pearson and Andrew Prosser, who between them have ensured that Green Party principles permeate throughout the priorities of the Council.
Cllr Andrew Prosser has the Cabinet responsibility for Climate Change. While Cllr Rosie Pearson (seen below on the left) has become the leader of the Green Group within West Oxfordshire District Council
Note: In most Parish and town councils around West Oxfordshire the councillors are not elected on a party basis. Those councils work on an apolitical basis.The exceptions are Witney and Chipping Norton Town Councils.
Sandra Simpson was elected to Witney Town Council to represent Witney North in the 2023 elections.
To get More Information:
Click on the Councillor below to hear about what they are doing for your town or village and watch out for our regular newsletters through your door.
Cllr Sandra Simpson, West Oxfordshire District Council, Witney North
& Witney Town Council, Witney North