The official website of the
West Oxfordshire
of the
Green Party
of England and Wales
Serving members, supporters and citizens in the towns and villages around West Oxfordshire, including the following wards:
NOTE: Wards listed above in larger font have Green Candidates in 2024 local elections
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Since taking her seat on West Oxfordshire District Council in May 2022, Rosie Pearson has been busy representing the residents of Brize Norton & Shilton.
Rosie sits on the following committees:
and is leader of the Green Group in the council.
Check here for a glimpse of Rosies first year as a councillor
One of Rosie Pearson's priorities is to ensure the future of Kilkenny Lane Country Park, one of Oxfordshire’s most extensive and enjoyable green spaces.
She questioned the plans for a giant car park (55 spaces) at the park, which would have destroyed an area of wild orchids, as well as sending the wrong message in a time when we are hoping to find creative ways of reducing car use.
Rosie has worked with an amazing team of biodiversity volunteers who meet in the park each month to sow seeds, coppice woodland, litter pick and generally look after the habitats. Rosie and the team were really thrilled to find some rare pyramidal orchids, but not so thrilled that these orchids were going to have been destroyed by the vast extent of the planned car park.
Now, new plans, taking account of points Rosie made on behalf of local residents and those made by Brize Norton parish council, mean that the car park will be more proportionate, and the wild orchids saved and able to multiply.
Rosie has also been active ensuring that the playground in the park is restored as soon as possible. It was closed without warning before Christmas, and very rude signs were put up. Rosie suggested a more considerate wording for the signs, and worked with the Oxfordshire Play Association, who also brought along a representative of the Dutch company that installed the play equipment in 2004!
This play park was seen as ahead of its time, with its focus on natural elements such as a willow maze, boulders, carved animals and of course the natural wood of most of the equipment.
That’s why it is so sad that the main play area has been locked off since the first lockdown, without anybody actually checking to see what issues needed addressing to being it back into full use. Following pressure from Carterton Councillor, Natalie King and Rosie, the assumption that it was irecoverable has been sqashed, and we now have the great news that most of the equipment can be, and will be, repaired before the summer holidays.
On the 11th October Green Councillor Rosie Pearson Proposed a Motion to support the Climate and Ecology Bill (formerly known as the CEE BIll) as it passes through Parliament.
Rosie made an impassioned appeal to all the councillors to suport the motion to support the CEE Bill which commits the Government to develop and implement a strategy to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030 and to take full responsibility for its carbon and ecological footprint including along both the domestic and international supply chains.